Saturday, September 28, 2013

ARP post for EDLD 5326

My inquiry question is: How do students who attend pre-k perform on the DMA verses those students who did not attend pre-k.  The idea is to show how vital pre-k is to a students academic success.  What I have done so far: I have met with administration and all kindergarten teachers and discussed my inquiry question as well as revieved their approval for viewing test scores at the BOY, MOY and EOY.  I have created a spread sheet usig excel to separate students who attend pre-k and those students that did not.  Once scores are received I will input the data and then analyze it.  I am hoping to see in difference among students in kindergarten that attended pre-k and those that did not.   Have received scores for the BOY DMA. So far I have been able to input scores into the excel spreadsheet, I have not had a chance to analyze the scores and focus on the different groups; attend pre-k, did not attend pre-k. I plan on analyzing scores next week when we have a week break between classes. Once I have done all the above I will be updating my followers on my blog. I am looking forward to their comments and any feedback or suggestions that they may have for me. 

ARP progress

So it has been a while since my last post...
We have just finished all DMA testing and I will be receiving a copy of kindergarten scores. My next step will be to put their scores into the spread sheet I created. I am hoping to see that students who attending pre-k scored higher than those students who did not.