Thursday, July 18, 2013

How can leaders use blogs????

There are many ways that blogs can be useful, but for leaders I find that there are specific ways that they can be useful. Blogs serve as a network to communicate and share ideas with other leaders, as well as, a way to document inquiry or action research as we are doing in EDLD 5301. Blogs can also allow for reflection on ones own thoughts, as well as, serve as a diary of thoughts. Through blogging, bloggers can also receive feedback from their followers, which will assist one in the reflection process.


Unknown said...

I hadn't thought of using a blog as a diary but makes perfect sense. I am really learning a lot from this class and this coming year will be such a test for me to see how I can incorporate them into my class. I'm planning on setting up a blog for my student that will allow them to help each other when they are at home.

Unknown said...

Good reflection on the use of blogging. It definitely is like a diary of sorts.