Saturday, July 27, 2013

Final answer...

Okay, so I have spoken with my site mentor and we have decided on what my action research plan will be. I will be following BOY, MOY and EOY test scores in reading and math (DRA/TPRI/DMA). I will be looking for how students perform based on if they attended pre-k or not. I will be making notes to the difference in scores. After I have collected my data, based on the data I will create the action part of my research project. I have several ideas and I can't wait. :-D

This week was a great week, but also very busy. I now have a deeper understanding of what action research is and ways that it can be used in a school environment. I have a few ways that I will be using it this year to answer some other "wonderings" I have... I'll keep you posted!


Unknown said...


I think your ARP is a great one. I have often wondered myself whether students who attend pre-k do better. My daughters both attended a program called ECC.. Early Childhood collaboration. It is offered for the children of teachers in my district (for a fee of course) but nonetheless it is a curriculum based program. When my oldest daughter finished the program at four turned five over the summer and started kindergarten last year she could already spell all of her colors, she could count to 100 by tens and could write like a first grader. I know this is partly because her dad, grandparents and myself work with her but I truly feel like this program was invaluable.

Unknown said...

That sounds like an interesting project. You will have a lot of information to look at, but your findings will be very helpful in the end. Good luck with it! Love your quote on the side of you blog by the way!

Terra Timmerman said...

Will you use data about students from your district's Pre-K program? My district only allows students that qualify (low SES) to attend the district Pre-K. My son went to a wonderful daycare that transitioned into a Pre-K. He has had a wonderful experience through the first grade and will be entering 2nd grade above DRA level for his age. I would be concerned that if you only used information from your district Pre-K, students like my son would not be included and your data might be skewed.

Good luck with your project! I think it has great potential!

Rosemary said...

This is a great topic. I have read that students who attend pre-k perform better in the long run. I would be interested in first hand research on the topic.